All functions |
Siler hazard model |
Add lines for the empirical cumulative density function to a plot |
Do Demographic Bayesian Inference |
Load Calibration Curve |
Calculate CDF given Weibull mixture proportions and parameters |
Calculate empirical cumulative density function point pairs for plotting |
Calculate Martingale Survival Residuals |
Calculate the Martingale Survival Residual probability density |
Calculate Martingale Residuals |
Calculate the Martingale Residual probability density |
Calculate the Negative Martingale Residual probability density |
Calculate the negative log-likelihood given Weibull mixture proportions and parameters |
Calculate PDF matrix given Weibull mixture parameters |
Calculate PDF given Weibull mixture proportions and parameters |
Calculate the empirical cumulative density function for a stopping distribution |
Fit event history data assuming constant event and censoring hazards |
Maximum likelihood fit for Siler distribution |
Maximum likelihood fit for Weibull mixture |
Simulate event history data with constant event and censoring hazards |
Simulate event history data with linear event and constant censoring hazards |