Add a shaded region showing the min/max quantiles (usually +/-2.5%) to a plot. The input, bayesian_summary, is the result of a call to summarize_bayesian_inference, which is a list-like object of class bd_bayesian_summary with information on the quantiles of the density function and growth rate. Typically, the min/max quantiles are 2.5% and 97.5%, but this can be changed via the input lev in the call to summarize_bayesian_inference.

  col = grDevices::adjustcolor("grey", alpha.f = 0.5),



A list-like object of class bd_bayesian_summary with information on the quantiles of the density function and growth rate (see summarize_bayesian_inference).


The color of the shaded region (default: grDevices::adjustcolor("grey",alpha.f = 0.5).


Additional parameters to pass to graphics::polygon.

See also