sample_theta calls Stan to do Bayesian inference by generating a sample of parameters from the posterior of theta (or th). sample_theta analyzes the result of that inference. Notably, it calculates the quantiles of the density function and the growth rate.

  dtau = 5,
  th_sim = NA,
  lev = 0.025,
  rate_prop = NA,
  do_sample_summaries = T



The solution, a list-like object of class bd_bayesian_soln (see sample_theta).


The radiocarbon measurements (see import_rc_data).


The density model (see set_density_model).


The calibration data frame (see load_calib_curve).


The spacing of the sampling grid (default: 5).


The known parameters used to create simulation data (default: NA, not provided).


The level to use for the quantile bands (default: 0.025).


The cumulative density needed to define rate growth bands (default: NA, not used).


Whether to calculate some summary information for each sampled curve (Default: TRUE).


A list with information on the quantiles of the density function and growth rate (and sample summaries)


bayesian_soln is the result of a call to sample_theta. It contains posterior samples for the density model. The primary thing summarize_bayesian_inference does is calculate quantiles of both the parameterized density and growth rate. For example, for a calendar date tau_g each sample yields a density and growth rate. The quantile is the value of the density or growth rate such that a given proportion of samples are smaller than that value. The probabilities used to calculate these quantiles are probs = c(lev, 0.5, 1-lev), where lev is the level (0.025 by default, so that 95% of the observations lie between the first and last quantile bands).

In addition, summarize_bayesian_inference identifies calendar dates for which the growth rate quantiles defined by lev and 1 - lev do not contain zero. This indicates significant positive or negative growth for the density curve. The output vector growth_state codes calendar dates by growth state as 'negative', 'zero', and 'positive'. For the Gaussian mixture parameterization of the density, the rate is not typically meaningful near the calendar date boundaries where it increases linearly as the calendar date goes to positive or negative infinity. The parameter rate_prop provides control on how calendar dates are classified by growth rate near these boundaries. In particular, the calendar dates with a cumulative density (50% quantile) below rate_prop (for the lower boundary) or above 1 - rate_prop (for the upper boundary) are classified as 'missing' in growth_state. By default, rate_prop is NA and no calendar dates are classified as missing.

By default, a summary is done for each sample by calling summarize_sample. This is not done if do_summary is FALSE.

See also