The input is a multi-tiered list specifying all aspects of the simulation. In particular, sim_spec (for simulation specification) consists of three required fields and one optional field: model_spec (model specification), N (number of samples), calib_curve (calibration curve), and seed (an optional random number seed). model_spec, in turn, is a list than consists of three required fields: density_type (the type of parametric model to use for the target density), th (the parameter vector for the target density), is_AD (a boolean variable indicating whether the target density is for years AD or BP), and error_spec (a specification for how to model the measurement errors). Currently, two model types are supported for the target density, gauss_mix = a Gaussian mixture and trunc_gauss_mix = a truncated Gaussian mixture. Currently, one specification of the error_spec (a list) is supported: unif_fm = a uniform draw for the error of the fraction modern value. For unif_fm, error_spec must contain the fields min and max (the minimum and maximum values for the uniform draw).

The output is a list with the fields dates and rc_meas. Dates is a length N vector of dates (on non-simulated data, cannot be directly known). rc_meas is a list consisting of four length N vectors: phi_m, the fracture modern, sig_m, the uncertainty of the fraction modern, trc_m, trc_m, the measurement in uncalibrated radiocarbon years, and sig_trc_m, the error for trc_m. The following hierarchical summary may be easier to digest:

sim_spec A full specification of the simulation model_spec A specification for the model used to generate the data density_type The model type to use for the target density (e.g., a a truncated Gaussian mixture) th The parameter vector for the target density is_AD A boolean indicating whether the parameter vector assumes AD or BP (AD is 1950 - BP, which allows negative dates) error_spec A specification for the measurement errors N The number of random samples to make calib_curve The calibration curve (currently, must be a named intcal curve, but support for arbitrary curves could be added in the future) seed An optional random number seed to use to ensure reproducibility

data The simulated data dates A vector of original dates for the samples rc_meas A list with the radiocarbon measurements phi_m A vector of simulated fraction moderns sig_m A vector of simulated standard deviations for phi_m trc_m A vector of simulated uncalibrated radiocarbon years (BP) sig_trc_m A vector of simulated uncertainties for trc_m




A simulation specification (see Description)


A list consisting of the input sim_spec and data (see Description)