To determine the calendar dates, first Bchron::BchronCalibrate is called to calibrate the individual dates, which yields a date range for each date. The maximum range across dates is identified (BchronCalibrate adopts a spacing of one year), then (if necessary) the range is slightly extended to multiples of dtau. If intcal20 is being used, dtau should likely be 5, since that is the spacing at which the calibration curve is specified. If dtau is not an integer, it is ignored and a warning is thrown. If dtau is 1 (the default), no rounding is done since that is already the spacing returned by Bchron.

calc_tau_range(rc_meas, calibration_curve = "intcal20", dtau = 1)



The radiocarbon measurements (see import_rc_data for the expected format)


The name of the calibration curve to use (default: intcal20)


An integer to round to in extending the calendar range on either end (default: 1, which has no effect)


A list containing the minimum and maximum calendar dates, tau_min and tau_max

See also