TH is a matrix of samples of a possibly truncated Gaussian mixture with dimensions S x P, where S is the number of samples and P is the number of parameters. Repeatedly call calc_gauss_mix_pdf to calculate the density function for each sample at the points in the vector tau, which has length G. The output density matrix, f_mat, has dimensions S x G. calc_gauss_mix_pdf_mat supports the same optional inputs as calc_gauss_mix_pdf: tau_min / tau_max to specify the boundaries of truncation and type to set whether the density, cumulative distribution, derivative, or rate is calculated.

calc_gauss_mix_pdf_mat(TH, tau, tau_min = NA, tau_max = NA, type = "density")



A matrix of samples with dimensions S x P


A vector of points for the density calculation with length G


(optional) The mininum time-value for truncation


(optional) The maximum time-value for truncation


(optional) The type of calculation: density (default), cumulative, derivative, or rate


The output matrix with dimensions S x G