The input calibration data frame has three columns: year_BP, uncal_year_BP, and uncal_year_BP_error. For each input calendar date, tau, use the calibration curve information to estimate the fraction modern of the calibration curve. If tau is not specified, calib_df$uncal_year_BP is used as the dates for the calculation. By default, dates are assumed to be AD (more precisely: 1950 - years BP), but this can be changed using the optional input is_BP, which is FALSE by default.

calc_calib_curve_frac_modern(calib_df, tau = NA, is_BP = FALSE)



The calibration data frame, with columns year_BP, uncal_year_BP, and uncal_year_BP_error.


The calendar dates tau (if not input, calib_df$uncal_year_BP is used).


Whether the input dates are before present (BP), as opposed to AD (default: FALSE).


The vector of calibration curve fraction modern values

See also

load_calib_curve() for the format of calib_df'