Calculate equifinal dates for each point in the calibration curve




The calibration data frame, with columns year_BP, uncal_year_BP, and uncal_year_BP_error


A list of equifinality information for each point in the calibration curve (see details)


The input calibration data frame has three columns: year_BP, uncal_year_BP, and uncal_year_BP_error. For each date in the column year_BP, determine all other dates with the same fraction modern. These dates are equifinal since, in the absence of additional information, there is no way to determine which year a sample came from. Typically the actual equifinal date lies between two observations in year_BP, so linear interpolation is used to estimate the decimal year. A list of length nrow(calib_df) is returned with, for each point in the calibration curve, the following information:

ind_base -- The row index in calib_df of the point tau_base -- The calendar date (AD) of the point ind_equi -- The row index/indices in calib-df of the equifinal points tau_equi -- The calendar date(s) (AD) of the equifinal points